User account not creating (provisioning) in custom target system


OneiM Version 8.2.1

I have a custom target application. It is a Web application that uses SQL Server as a backend database. I integrated using ADO.NET connector as a custom target system. I have configured the synchronization project and onboarded the application into OneIM database(UNSAccountB table) and We have synced and created users from Sql Server to One IM.
Custom application assignment is on a request basis. After assigning the account definition to the user, the user is creating in OneIM database(UNSAccountB table) but that user account is not creating in the target system database(SQL DB).

Please help me with user provisioning in MSSql Server. Or are there any configurations that I missed?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Markus,

    We have been facing the same issue. We are able to create UNSAccountB in OneIM DB. Unfortunately, We couldn't run to provistioning for Target System. I tried to create single object operation but I have not run provisioning. I hadn't understood how I can start ad-hoc provisioning. Do you have chance to explanin more for this issue?


    Volkan Ceylan
