OPTION NOT VALID Sync Error SAP R/3 Connector

Dear All,

We have OPTION NOT VALID Sync error on SAP R/3 Connector. I'm not sure if it's started after SAP internal version upgrade or not but it was working before. We many SAP systems and only two of them has this issue.

Also when we try to create a new connector we got the same error. We checked target system service user, permission, transport packets etc. and also SAP Colleagues said everything look normal and no issue from SAP site.

SAPnco version: 3.0.24 +

All .dll files located on correct place and up to date (libicudecnumber.dll,  rscp4n.dll,  sapnco.dll,  sapnco_utils.dll)

One Identity version is 8.1.4 

DEV, TEST and PROD all same error.

Do you have any idea why we got OPTION NOT VALID error?

Sync Editor Error Log/screen

[1777292] Error connecting system (SAP R/3 Connector)!
at VI.Projector.Editor.SystemConnectionControl._Load()
at VI.Projector.Editor.SystemConnectionControl._LoadTasks()
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnection.Resolve[T](Boolean throwIfNotSupported)
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnection.ConnectIfRequired(Boolean doNotSetSchema)
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnection.ConnectIfRequired(Boolean doNotSetSchema)
at VI.Projector.Connection.Connectors.ThreadSafeConnector.set_Schema(ISchema value)
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnector.set_Schema(ISchema value)
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnector._ValidateSchema(ISchema schema)
at VI.Base.ResetLazy`1.get_Value()
at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnector.<_CreateLazies>b__27_0()
at VI.Projector.SAP.ProjectorSAPConnector.OnGetSystemSubType()
at VI.Projector.SAP.SAPConnection.TestCUA()
at VI.Projector.SAP.SAPTable.SAPQuery(String Tablename, String[] Columns, String[] WhereClauses, IList`1 ResultColumns)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcFunction.Invoke(RfcDestination destination)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcFunction.RfcCallReceive(RfcConnection conn, IRfcIOStream stream, RFCID rid)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcFunction.RfcDeserialize(RfcConnection conn, IRfcIOStream stream)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.RfcReceive(RfcFunction function)
at SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConnection.ThrowRfcErrorMsg()

Thank you in advance

Best regards


  • Hi Samet,

    the version of SAP update you are using brings a new implementation of RFC function "RFC_READ_TABLE" owned by SAP. This version shows a bit different behavior and will raise the error you are facing. You should contact the support and update your One IM version to a supported version. You will also get new SAP transport files from support to update the certified BAPI of One Identity in your SAP system (number of the fix is #34095) which will be used instead of the SAP owned function now.



  • Hi Samet,

    the version of SAP update you are using brings a new implementation of RFC function "RFC_READ_TABLE" owned by SAP. This version shows a bit different behavior and will raise the error you are facing. You should contact the support and update your One IM version to a supported version. You will also get new SAP transport files from support to update the certified BAPI of One Identity in your SAP system (number of the fix is #34095) which will be used instead of the SAP owned function now.



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