OOTB Mail Processes in PersonWantsOrg Table Not Working Properly

Hello All,

We are facing issue for Mail related process in Identity Manager version 8.2 . OOTB processes "VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step granted" and "VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg send mail when step not granted" are not getting triggered properly on required approval step.

Detail explanation of issue is as follows:
We have created a workflow with 6 approval levels.

From these first four levels have "EX" approval procedure, 5th approval level has "CM" approval procedure and last level has "EX" approval procedure. We have attached mail templates only on 5th approval level (approver procedure used is CM) for approve and deny decisions. For rest of the approval levels mail template is attached only for denial decision.

Ideally, email should be sent on 5th step only either on approval or denial but, instead of that process is triggering on 4th approval level(No mail approval template attached) which is not expected.
We are unsure as from where does the mail id is getting populated for 4th step instead of 5th.

What changes should I perform to fix this issue?



Parents Reply Children
  • Hello Markus,

    Thank you for mentioning the hotfix to be applied. We have applied this hotfix but issue has not yet resolved. Still emails are triggered at inappropriate approval level. We are also not getting any error for these mail processes.

    Below is the structure of the workflow.

    CCC_Admin Account (Workflow Name)
    Check Account type (EX - No email template attached)
    Check request duplicacy (EX - No email template attached)
    Check Account uniqueness (EX - No email template attached)
    Check Request data validation (EX - No email template attached)
    Manager's Approval (CM - email template attached)
    External Approval (EX - No email template attached)

    According to above workflow structure, email should be triggered for "Manager's Approval level" (mentioned in Green background color) but, it is triggered at "CCC_Request Data Validation" (mentioned in Red background color) approval level. 

    I have also tried to check PWOHelperPWO, QERWorkingStep tables during request processing but data passed into these tables is correct. Also, No mail uid is populated in UID_DialogRichMailGrant column of QERWorkingStep table for approval level highlighted in Red in above workflow structure.

    Is there any other way to troubleshoot this issue?

  • The hotfix mentioned describes exactly your use case. If it is not solving the issue I guess support it is then.