Error while deploying agent for DGE


I am currently integrating One Identity Manager v. 8.1.5 with the Data Governance module.

While deploying the agents for the Local Windows Computer and the Generic Host Type, the following error appears in the DGE log:

Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: info

More specifically, the exception is the following:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: info
at QAM.Server.InternalServices.ManagedDomains.GetResolvedManagedDomainFromCache(ManagedDomainInfo info)
at QAM.Server.Authorization.Elevator.Elevate(String name, NameType nameType)
at QAM.Server.InternalServices.AgentStates.PreparingForAgentInstallState.CheckDeploymentRegistryKey(AgentInfo agentInfo)
at QAM.Server.InternalServices.AgentStates.PreparingForAgentInstallState.PrepareForInstall(AgentInfo agentInfo)
at QAM.Server.InternalServices.AgentStates.PreparingForAgentInstallState.DoWork()

Are there any configuration that we missed during the deployment?

Thank you.

  • Yes, I set the managed domain but I also get the following error while trying to set the managed path:

    QAM.Common.Exceptions.ResourceManagement.DomainIsNotManagedException: The domain in which the operation was attempted is not registered as a managed domain.
    at QAM.Client.Concrete.Wcf.ResourceEnumeration.GetChildResourcesWithoutManagedHostId(ResourceType resourceType, String hostname, String domainName, String resourcePath, Dictionary`2 filter)
    at QAM.Client.Controls.HostDataRootsPicker.HostDataRootsPickerControl.GetChildResources(ResourceType resourceType, ManagedHostInfo hostInfo, String resourcePath, Dictionary`2 filter)

    However, the managed domain that I set is the correct one.

  • Yes, I set the managed domain but I also get the following error while trying to set the managed path:

    QAM.Common.Exceptions.ResourceManagement.DomainIsNotManagedException: The domain in which the operation was attempted is not registered as a managed domain.
    at QAM.Client.Concrete.Wcf.ResourceEnumeration.GetChildResourcesWithoutManagedHostId(ResourceType resourceType, String hostname, String domainName, String resourcePath, Dictionary`2 filter)
    at QAM.Client.Controls.HostDataRootsPicker.HostDataRootsPickerControl.GetChildResources(ResourceType resourceType, ManagedHostInfo hostInfo, String resourcePath, Dictionary`2 filter)

    However, the managed domain that I set is the correct one.
