missing internal name information


Reaching out to anyone who may have seen this issue. A person fills out the web portal form to insert a user and it allows the field to get populated. The internal name does not generate like the first name is missing and the central account is not generated. When i open manager I see that the first name is in the field but it act's like it is not and will not generate the centralaccount name. I'm not sure how this started. I don't see any recent changes that might have caused this and not sure where in the logs to look. Any suggestions on what logs to review or how to troubleshoot this? In order to get the username generated I have to put a new value into the first name to replace what is there then correct the firstname after.

Thanks for any help or information anyone may have.


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Markus,

    We are on 8.2 and plan to go to the latest version in June. We did customize the default employee form with some fields and a link for instructions. It's weird that when we see this problem happening it shows the users first or last name but the template to generate the Central Account does not fire. I've been using One Identity since 2013 and have never seen this issue. It's baffling. We are using the following for display pattern... %InternalName% (%CentralAccount% %PersonnelNumber%)

    Thanks for your help.


  • Just to narrow down the issue - because I have no clue what could be the reason for this behavior other than the firstname has been added via SQL and not the object layer - if you recalculate the templates for this object, does it create the internalname and the centralaccount then?

  • No when i run Reapply Template it does not run on the centralaccount at all.

  • When i type the name in the filed to a different name it will populate the internal name. If the name is Dave i just type Dav and then not save but then type Dave and save and the internal name generates. It's almost like it is not there at all.

  • Sounds strange and I have never seen that behavior. Did you change the templates at Person.Centralaccount or the IsOverwriting flag?

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  • I have not seen it happen since this one time and still have not figured out what logs to dig into. 


    I have the following template code

    If CStr($ImportSource$) <> "ADS" And CStr($Lastname$) <> "" And CStr($Firstname$) <> "" And _
    	(Not CBool(Connection.Variables.Get("FULLSYNC")) Or CStr($ImportSource$).StartsWith("EBS") Or CStr($ImportSource$).StartsWith("SAP") ) Then
    	If CStr(Connection.GetConfigParm("QER\Person\CentralAccountGlobalUnique"))="1" Then
    		If $[IsLoaded]:Bool$ = False AndAlso $IsExternal:Bool$ Then
    			If $LastName$<>"" AndAlso $FirstName$<>"" Then
    				' comment out for read-only moded and uncomment it when GO-LIVE
    				Value = CCC_VI_AE_BuildCentralAccountGlobalUnique( GetValue("UID_Person").String,$Lastname$,$Firstname$,$MiddleName$)
    			End If
    		End If
    	End If
    End If

    We do have overwrite but i think i need to change it for Not IsLoaded to look if it is blank. We want to protect it from changing if someone changes the first or last name. We only generate for IsExternal. If this happens again can you tell me which logs to look at when the entry is made from the web portal?

    Thank you, Lu

  • You will not see anything in the logs if there if no error occurs. In regards to the web portal, you might want to look in the log of the Web Portal and on the Application Server log if you are using an Application Server connection for the web portal.