Resize identity image - Web Designer

Hello everyone,

How can I resize the jpeg picture of an identity on the Web Portal? The images we have are too big (for example, 604x906 px), so they are being cropped on the master data page of the employee.

Is it possible to resize the images on the Web Designer or, as an alternative, adapt the frame of the image to the image itself when it is view in the Web Portal?

Thank you in advance,


  • Hello Lucrezia,

    As far as I am concerned, you should be able to resize the image by adding CSS feature. Firstly, you should the image on the interested module and you should HTML attribute by adding extended properties.

    Best Regards,

    Volkan Ceylan

  • Hello Volkan,

    thank you for your answer. I checked and I cannot find how to add an HTML parameter to the module I'm intersted in.

    In particular, I'm trying to edit the module VI_Employee_Edit and its VI_Employee_MasterData_Attributes, where I added the field "JPegPhoto" of the table "Person". When I right click on this field I can add just two extensions: Parameter or Validation. As far as I'm concerned, there is no possibility to add an HTML node to that field.

    Could you elaborate further your answer?

    Thank you again,


  • Hello Lucrezia,

    I literally understand your issue. You want to change the image size by a column. I have no experience about that but I have an idea for this. There is a components as "VI_Edit_View_Picture", you can copy this component and add HTML attributes to the image feature for your new component then you can change "component to display a value" with your new component. Maybe, this could work for this issue. I am so sorry that I couldn't support to you more.

    Best Regards,

    Volkan Ceylan

  • Hello Lucrezia,

    I literally understand your issue. You want to change the image size by a column. I have no experience about that but I have an idea for this. There is a components as "VI_Edit_View_Picture", you can copy this component and add HTML attributes to the image feature for your new component then you can change "component to display a value" with your new component. Maybe, this could work for this issue. I am so sorry that I couldn't support to you more.

    Best Regards,

    Volkan Ceylan

  • Hi Volkan,

    I tried your suggestion and unfortunately nothing changed. I created a new component CCC_Edit_View_Picture as you suggested, copying it from VI_Edit_View_Picture. In the JPegPhoto field I changed "Component to display a value" to "CCC_Edit_View_Picture".

    Then, I added an "Extended properties" node to the image with an HTML attribute "style" - "width:96px". Nothing changed.
    I also tried deleting the "Extended properties" node and selecting the Layout of the image as "VI_Style_Image_Image3232" or "VI_Style_Image_Image6464" or ""VI_Style_Image_NoLayout". The image remains always the same.

    I suspect I'm missing some option in the JPegPhoto field alongside with the "Component to display a value". I never used this option so maybe I'm doing something wrong.

    Thanks for the precious suggestions,

  • Hello again,

    I read some more documentation and with the help of your previous suggestion I resolved this issue.

    The component to copy and customize is not VI_Edit_View_Picture, but VI_Edit_Special_JPeg_Photo. This component has to be used in the field JPegPhoto as "Component to edit a value". 

    It's very similar to your suggestion but the fields to be used are different.

    Thank you very much Volkan, you've been very helpful!
