MsgBox / Windows.Forms alternative for IdentityManagerWeb


we implemented a couple of interactive Tasks (DialogMethod) used by admins working with the Manager Tool.

For example we have the Task link account for ADSAccounts.

  1. In Manager you select an account and click "link account".
  2. Then a Windows.Forms.Forms opens and prompts for input. You enter the IdentityType.
  3. Then a new SubPerson with the given IdentityType will be created and linked
  4. Finally a MsgBox tells You "Everything is fine".

Now in IdentityManagerWeb we cannot use Windows.Forms or MsgBox anymore. I found the Scirpt VID_InputBox. Ok that wokrs a bit, but is far from perfect.

  • The length of the text, which should explain what the user what to do is very limited.
  • This explanation cannot have linebreaks.
  • The input is limited to a small text box, but thats ok. Better would be an option to select from a dropdown.

Does somebody know a form which looks better then "FormDialogInputBox"?

Is there an equivalent to MsgBox for IdentityManagerWeb?
