How can i trace the script on IDM

I want to do trace both for system script and custom script, may i know how I can achieve this?

Is there any debugger available?

  • Hi Gary,

    For debugging you need Visual Studio, look for the System Debugger in the documentation. For just script testing (observing the output) you can use the scrip tester functionality in Designer. For custom script development in the Synchronization Editor or debugging of processes etc. from the Object Browser you need Visual Studio. It is a worthwhile investment for a larger company and you could also use the community edition if your company is smaller than 5 developers (don't take that to the bank but verify).



  • Hi Gary,

    For debugging you need Visual Studio, look for the System Debugger in the documentation. For just script testing (observing the output) you can use the scrip tester functionality in Designer. For custom script development in the Synchronization Editor or debugging of processes etc. from the Object Browser you need Visual Studio. It is a worthwhile investment for a larger company and you could also use the community edition if your company is smaller than 5 developers (don't take that to the bank but verify).



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