Synchronization Editor - Script for Quota Variables


with OI9 it is now possible to use variables the set quotas within the workflows of a Sync Project.

I have used the variables before to write little scripts, and am wondering if I could write a generic script to have flexible quotas in any Sync Project and and object operation.

Unfortunately  I have not been able to find some documentation on what information is exactly hidden where inside the "args" and "Base" objects.

If I could extract the variable set, object method and base object, I might be able to write a single script to dynamically set the quota higher for exceptionally small systems.

If anybody knew where to find some documentation, or how to extract these values, I would be very grateful Slight smile


Public Function GenerateValue(ByRef args as SystemVariableGenerateValueArgs) As String
    Dim quota = "0.03"
    Dim myArgs = args...
    Dim myBase = Base...
    If myCondition Then
        quota = ...
    End If
    Return quota
End Function

Best regards,


  • If you searched and did not find documentation it most probably is not available. Use the Visual Studio debugger and dotPeek as documentation. The myBase variable looks similar to the MyBase keyword and would point to the VI.Projector.Scripting.ProjectorScriptBase base class. The args argument is clear and dotPeek will give you some insight in what the class contains. I do not think that you will get access to the object operation but a One Identity developer could provide some clarity.

  • If you searched and did not find documentation it most probably is not available. Use the Visual Studio debugger and dotPeek as documentation. The myBase variable looks similar to the MyBase keyword and would point to the VI.Projector.Scripting.ProjectorScriptBase base class. The args argument is clear and dotPeek will give you some insight in what the class contains. I do not think that you will get access to the object operation but a One Identity developer could provide some clarity.

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