How to change\generate new GenProcID for Process.

Hi forum, 

I'm using One Identity Manager 9.1.1

I'm trying to develo a process  that assigns/removes a memebership to an account for a generic target system, given specific informations, and i need to monitor the correct execution of the provisioning process. 

The first step of the process is and HandleObject Insert, that inserts a new memebership in a table. This step generates the defined Assign membership process for the specific target system. 

In order to monitor the correct provisioning execution I want to check the job queue (with a check SQL column step) to check the provisioning process status, using the GENPROCID as key to find the process. 

I cannot use the GenProcID of the calling process beacuse i could have multiple calling processes with the same GENPROCID, so i want to insert the memebership and set a specific GENPROCID to the assign membership process, so i know how to identify the provisioning process. 

I tried using the parameter ProcID of insert step to set a specifcic GenProcID but it doesnt work and the provisioning process keeps having the same genprocID from the calling process. 

Is It possible to define a new genProcID for the provisining process gnerated?

Thank You, 


  • Hi rodney, 

    i tested a solution and IT WORKS! in my check SQL Step, i'm using a where clause built with the SQL FOrmatter instead of concatenation of strings and it seems that in Job queue info the Where clause is composed with the '&OUT()&' noation, but, thanks to an error in my where clause sintax, the job server logs reported the full query executed by the Check Column step and the '&OUT()'' was substituted by the full XObjectKey contained in the OUTPUT parameter of the previous Insert step. So i Think that probably is a bug but only when the where clause parameter is shown in Job Quque. 

    Thank You for Your Help!