Not able to log into Angular Development Environment after CU2


After the update to CU2 on 9.0 LTS, In my Angular Development Environment i'm not able to login anymore. 

While fetching the projectconfig  

Request URL: localhost:8182/.../projectconfig
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
Remote Address: [::1]:8182
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

The following response is provided

[{"Message":"Your session has expired. Please reload this page and login again.","Number":57002006}]

and displayed as errormessage.

  • We also have this message with version 9.1.1 after trying to reproduce the steps from Herwig Abele's YouTube series.

    What we have configured so far
    - Config parameter QBM\ApiServer\Defaults\SameSiteCookie -> from "lax" to "none"

    - imxweb\projects\qer-app-pwdportal\src\environments\environment.ts
     -> Change URL from localhost to API server URL

    The response is the same as mentioned above

    "Message": "Your session has expired. Please reload this page and login again.",
    "Number": 57002006

    We have also experimented with the setting "ServerLevelConfig/XsrfProtectionDisabled" in the admin portal - but so far we have not been able to observe any effect.

  • We also have this message with version 9.1.1 after trying to reproduce the steps from Herwig Abele's YouTube series.

    What we have configured so far
    - Config parameter QBM\ApiServer\Defaults\SameSiteCookie -> from "lax" to "none"

    - imxweb\projects\qer-app-pwdportal\src\environments\environment.ts
     -> Change URL from localhost to API server URL

    The response is the same as mentioned above

    "Message": "Your session has expired. Please reload this page and login again.",
    "Number": 57002006

    We have also experimented with the setting "ServerLevelConfig/XsrfProtectionDisabled" in the admin portal - but so far we have not been able to observe any effect.

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