SMTP email configuration with O365 via Modern/OAuth Authentication

Hello All,

We are trying to use O365 SMTP for mail notification in One IM 9.1.1. When setting up O365 smtp configuration it fails with error "Basic Authentication is not enabled"

: "Authentication Unsucessful, Basic Authentication is disabled",

While we are troubleshooting the same, we got to know that Microsoft has already deprecated the basic authentication on the O365 SMTP.

Is it bug in One IM 9.x version that they still doesn't support modern authentication. Please suggest.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Markus,

    since I have the same issue I hope you will get notified about my reply even if it's 5 months later. Slight smile

    There is no option for an OAuth Token in the "Common\MailNotification" Parameters as far as I can see. Is there another way to configure modern authentication for Mail Notifications within One Identity Manager?

    If not, do you know of any workaround that we could use?

    And do you know if support for modern authentication is on the Roadmap?

    Best Regards

