SFtpComponent - Put

Hello Experts,

I'm trying to get a process orchestration in place to SFTP a file. I'm having issues and don't see much on documentation.

When I ssh to the SFTP server I get the fingerprint and use that for the config parameter. Although when using that fingerprint i get an error.

2023-11-14 22:33:04 +00:00 - Error - JobServer - VI.JobService.JobComponents.SftpComponent - 7fwsb7hb7-41u0-4c74-852b-928ad1d20a84: Errors occurred
Server public key fingerprint does not match.
Key exchange negotiation failed.
[Renci.SshNet.Common.SshConnectionException] Key exchange negotiation failed.
at VI.JobService.ProcessorThread._ExecuteJob(Job job, JobResult result)
at VI.JobService.JobComponents.SftpComponent.Activate(String task)
at Renci.SshNet.BaseClient.Connect()
at Renci.SshNet.BaseClient.CreateAndConnectSession()
at Renci.SshNet.Session.Connect()
at Renci.SshNet.Session.WaitOnHandle(WaitHandle waitHandle, TimeSpan timeout)

I only see the following documentation which provide little help to verify I have everything right.


Here is the config paramters if anyone has any suggestions.

Thank you,


  • Maybe this slide helps.


    • Available tasks Get and Put
      To transfers files between a local source and a SFTP server

    • Authentication modes Password, PrivateKey or PrivateKeyFile

    • Supported private key formats are*:
      • RSA in OpenSSL PEM and ssh.com format
      • DSA in OpenSSL PEM and ssh.com format
      • ECDSA 256/384/521 in OpenSSL PEM format
      • ED25519 in OpenSSH key format
    • Supported encryption algorithms are:
      • DES-EDE3-CBC
      • DES-EDE3-CFB
      • DES-CBC
      • AES-128-CBC
      • AES-192-CBC
      • AES-256-CBC

    Note:  Private keys in im putty-format (*.ppk) are not supported. They can be converted into ssh.com format using puttygen.

  • Maybe this slide helps.


    • Available tasks Get and Put
      To transfers files between a local source and a SFTP server

    • Authentication modes Password, PrivateKey or PrivateKeyFile

    • Supported private key formats are*:
      • RSA in OpenSSL PEM and ssh.com format
      • DSA in OpenSSL PEM and ssh.com format
      • ECDSA 256/384/521 in OpenSSL PEM format
      • ED25519 in OpenSSH key format
    • Supported encryption algorithms are:
      • DES-EDE3-CBC
      • DES-EDE3-CFB
      • DES-CBC
      • AES-128-CBC
      • AES-192-CBC
      • AES-256-CBC

    Note:  Private keys in im putty-format (*.ppk) are not supported. They can be converted into ssh.com format using puttygen.

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