Reset Outstanding Member- and Ownerships (i.e. O3EAADUserOwnsUnifiedGroup) from process chaing


The Synchronization to Exchange Online isn't reliable at all.
So I'm working on a Postsync Process to Reset all the False Outstandings based on the information in the AAD Objects.

My problem is, that I didn't mange yet to reset outstandings. Delete and Publish works, but not Reset.
Im working now on O3EAADUserOwnsUnifiedGroup.

Approach 1:

SQL Statements:
Setting xMarkedForDeletion = 0 will update the XDateSubItem on the O3EUnifiedGroup and that will trigger a update with publish

Approach 2:

HandleObjectComponent - Update

Setting xMarkedForDeletion = 0 and set a lot of connection variables "ManageOutstandingOperation=DeleteState|ManageOutstanding|NoCollisionTest|FULLSYNC"
Didn't set the Value to 0 and I've no idea why not

Approach 3:

Using CallMethod

I haven't found the Method yet to reset.

Any idea, how I have to do that?