Password Reset Portal (Angular) - Is it possible to reset the CentralPassword?

Hi there, we found out, that the password reset in the new password reset portal only resets the DialogUserPassword. Not the CentralPassword.

But we want to be able to publish the CentralPassword to Active Directory User Accounts too.

In this old thread -  RE: Password Reset Portal Password Attribute  - Markus wrote, there is an option to set the CentralPassword instead of DialogUserPassword. But I can't find such option in the version 9.2 (neither in the Web Designer Portal nor Angular Portal).

Best regards from Kassel in Germany :)


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  • Hi  

    Unfortunately the problem still exists, but in this scenario:

    1. User registers himself in the front end
    2. Attestator is granting the attestation request
    3. The new user (ApprovalState = 0 (Certified) AND IsInActive = 'true') becomes an email with a passcode
    4. He confirms the password and is redirected to the password portal
    5. User has already permission on the table QERVPersonCentralPwdColumn but don't have any accounts (AD).
    6. In the options list there are following options:
      1. Set the user password
      2. Set the central password
      3. Set the password questions
    7. While choosing the option "central password" user gets a message: "No object selected"

    What do we need? The password user is typing while activating the account must be transferred to the AD-Account which will be created after the activation. If the user choose the option to set the user password, only DialogUserPassword will be set. But this will not be transferred to the new AD-Account.

    User must be able to set his password on his own. Is there any other way to do it?