AAD Sync Project - Error on starting Initial Sync

Hello everyone!

I am using OIM v9.0 LTS. I transported a working Azure AD Project and adapted the connection variables according to the new environment. Browsing into the Targetsystem is possible so I assume that Application ID, Domain and Key are correct. I tried to simulate the initial synchronization, which was successful.

When I try to run the startup config I get following error:

Error running full synchronization!
Error generating processes for event Run.
Error running script 'Event_Run'.
Error generation process step event RUN.
Error generating process DPR_DPRProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization.
Error generating process step Run Synchronization.
There is no server that can fulfill server mask and/or server selection script input.


I noticed that there is no base object so I tried adding one manually. Here I get following error on creation:

The template (Azure Active Directory Tenant) could not be applied successfully!
Error loading system objects of class VerifiedDomain (all) (VerifiedDomain_Master).
Error connecting system (AzureAD)!
Unknown variable (CP_ClientID).


I also checked if the Jobserver has assigned the correct Serverfunction (Azure Active Diretory connector (via Microsoft Graph)) and Machine role (Azure Active Directory).


Thank you for help and support in advance,


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