Request history shows all users request

Hello All,

I am using One Identity version 9.2, by default on the portal, it shows all users request history to other users too.

I am trying to restrict the request history visibility only to logged in user or for whom user has raised a request or if anyone has raised a request for logged in user.

I tried to modify "Request configuration / View configuration for request history / Grouping clause" this option from administration portal but no difference seen.

Can someone please suggest how this can be achieved?



  • Hi,

    you have to add the current userUID to the request-table (request-history.component.html). 

    <imx-request-table [uidRecipientRequester]="userUid"></imx-request-table>

    In the "request-history.component.ts" i got the current userUID this way:

    export class RequestHistoryComponent implements OnInit {
      public userUid: string;
      public auditMode = false;
      contextId: HelpContextualValues;
      public readonly busyService = new BusyService();
        private readonly qerPermissionService: QerPermissionsService,
        private readonly session: imx_SessionService,
      ) {}
      public async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
        this.auditMode = await this.qerPermissionService.isShopStatistics();
          this.contextId = HELP_CONTEXTUAL.RequestHistoryAuditor;
          this.contextId = HELP_CONTEXTUAL.RequestHistory;
        const busy = this.busyService.beginBusy();
        try {
          this.userUid = (await this.session.getSessionState()).UserUid;
        } finally {

    I hope this solution helps.

  • Hi,

    you have to add the current userUID to the request-table (request-history.component.html). 

    <imx-request-table [uidRecipientRequester]="userUid"></imx-request-table>

    In the "request-history.component.ts" i got the current userUID this way:

    export class RequestHistoryComponent implements OnInit {
      public userUid: string;
      public auditMode = false;
      contextId: HelpContextualValues;
      public readonly busyService = new BusyService();
        private readonly qerPermissionService: QerPermissionsService,
        private readonly session: imx_SessionService,
      ) {}
      public async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
        this.auditMode = await this.qerPermissionService.isShopStatistics();
          this.contextId = HELP_CONTEXTUAL.RequestHistoryAuditor;
          this.contextId = HELP_CONTEXTUAL.RequestHistory;
        const busy = this.busyService.beginBusy();
        try {
          this.userUid = (await this.session.getSessionState()).UserUid;
        } finally {

    I hope this solution helps.

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