Request history shows all users request

Hello All,

I am using One Identity version 9.2, by default on the portal, it shows all users request history to other users too.

I am trying to restrict the request history visibility only to logged in user or for whom user has raised a request or if anyone has raised a request for logged in user.

I tried to modify "Request configuration / View configuration for request history / Grouping clause" this option from administration portal but no difference seen.

Can someone please suggest how this can be achieved?



  • Hi,

    The request history view is actually filtered by default. Only if you are logging in as an auditor or IT shop administrator (and maybe some other admin groups), you may see all requests, but not as a non-admin end user.

    The general approach is to only show a request if any of these conditions are true

    - the user has a line of responsibility to the recipient or the requester
    - the user is responsible for the permission being requested,
    - the user has an approver role in the workflow.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Hanno,

    Thanks for your reply.

    We are trying to login with normal user having non-admin permission but still that user is able to see everyone's request in request history.


  • I have the opposite problem about the request history, the System role assignments is not showing on the person who requested it. I hope there is some advice here. Thank you so much.

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