Webdesigner webportal: difference in overview pages in version 9.2 compared to 9.1.1 and lower versions


From version 9.1.1 OOTB the Webdesigner webportal shows a complete overview of the employee when you go to 'My Profile' > 'Overview'
In version 9.2 OOTB  the Webdesigner webportal shows only a tile called 'Identity' with no other relations.
Also other overview pages like for Business roles don't show the assigned identities OOTB in 9.2 like previous versions did.
I could not find anthing in the release notes of 9.2 that explains this change or howto renable this.

Best regards

  • Hi,

    We have some customizations and denied hyperviews for users, but after having disabled all my extensions in our dev environment, yes, I can confirm what you say. In the case of BR:

    • v9.1 shows the complete hyperview with features and memberships.
    • V9.2 shows only a box with the name of the object.

    What is more, the module VI_Common_Hyperview_Org is the same for both versions , and I haven't found any key in project configuration that might be related.

    However, the Angular portal in v9.2 shows the full hyperview of the object , as it did the webdesigner portal in previous versions.

  • The team has taken VPR#37436 for this issue. I suggest you create a service request with support to keep you informed when a hotfix comes available,

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