Request auto population not working as expected

Hi All,

I am using One Identity version 9.2 and trying to auto populate values in request parameters so that end user will be able to see profile data and update it as required.

I was trying to populate other parameters in request property based on user selection in first parameter. I am able to populate other parameters dependent on a user selection parameters.

For example:
In Request property below are the parameters and expected behavior
1. Select User(explanation: Based on user selection in this parameter, other parameter should be populated)
2. Firstname
3. Lastname
4. CentralAccount
5.Email (Data populates in parameters from 2 to 5 based on user selection in parameter 1)

As explained in example, we are now able to populate values in all parameters but, now we have other issue on request property parameters.

When I am trying to update any of there values which are populated and try to submit a request, it is passing the earlier populated value in the parameter instead of updated value.

Request your help to resolve this.
