Personwantorg table value in UNSAccountb table

Hello All,


Target system is Oracle DB. I want to publish few column values from personwantsorg table to unsaccountb table. So, I created a new column(as a foreign key of personwantorg table) in unsaccountb table and tried to get the value but it isn't working. I wanted to populate the orderdate, personordered's(objectGUID of unsaccountb table) value and activation date from personwantsorg table in unsaccounb table. Can anyone help me with this?




  • Hello,

    "tried to get the value " - what were your steps?  How are you trying to accomplish this?


  • Hi  ,

    I created an attribute in UNSAccountB table as a foreign key of the Personwantsorg table and tried to get the value of personwantsorg table in UNSAccountB table using the below line.
    Value = $FK(ccc_UID_PersonWantsOrg).DisplayOrg$
    It was compiled without any errors, but when I ran the template in the object browser it was empty.

    I wanted to get the orderdate, personordered's(objectGUID value of unsaccountb table), and activation date from personwantsorg table.
    Pls, how can I achieve this if its not the right way.


  • This works for me.  If I look up a user account in manager, from the custom tab I can then select a value for CCC_UID_PersonWantsOrg, for the values that exist in PersonWantsOrg.  If that's what you're trying to accomplish?

    Are there existing values in PersonWantsOrg?


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