OneIM 9.1.1 - Unable to delete mail template from DialogRichMail blocked by QERWorkingStep entry.

When I try to delete an 'obsolete' mail template the following error is show:

delete from DialogRichMail where (DialogRichMail.UID_DialogRichMail in ('CCC-7A3A8CD0FFCFD04E86252F449BDE1005')) ---> VI.DB.DataAccess.DeleteConstraintException: Could not delete object from DialogRichMail because there are still objects assigned in property UID_DialogRichMailGrant of QERWorkingStep (rule QER_311).

Is there some clean-up process that takes care of the QERWorkingStep and QERWorkingMethod tables?

The QERWorkstep entry that blocked the deletion of the mail template:

ApproveReasonType             : 0
AutomaticDecision             :
AutomaticReasonFalse          :
AutomaticReasonTrue           :
CountApprover                 : 0
DenyReasonType                : 0
DirectSteps                   :
EscalateIfNoApprover          : False
EscalationSteps               : 0
Ident_PWODecisionStep         : Self service
IgnoreNoDecideForPerson       : False
IsAdditionalAllowed           : False
IsInsteadOfAllowed            : False
IsNoAutoDecision              : False
IsToHideInHistory             : False
LevelDisplay                  :
LevelNumber                   : 0
MinutesAutomaticDecision      : 0
MinutesReminder               : 0
NegativeSteps                 : 0
ObjectKeyOfAssignedOrg        :
PositiveSteps                 : 0
SubLevelNumber                : 0
UID_AERoleFallBack            :
UID_DialogRichMailEscalate    :
UID_DialogRichMailFromDelegat :
UID_DialogRichMailGrant       : CCC-7A3A8CD0FFCFD04E86252F449BDE1005 (XX - Servicedesk Call(Medewerker))
UID_DialogRichMailInsert      :
UID_DialogRichMailNoGrant     :
UID_DialogRichMailReminder    :
UID_DialogRichMailToDelegat   :
UID_PWODecisionRule           : QER-PWODecisionRule-SB
UID_PWODecisionStep           :
UID_PWOStateFinalError        :
UID_PWOStateFinalSuccess      : QER-190E56F61C96C3490D6B54704E36E1A5 (Assigned by self-service)
UID_QERWorkingMethod          : 5AE7B1CF-45A5-4B37-821F-72AE7208E004 (Servicedesk Call)
UID_QERWorkingStep            : 416B184C-C168-4E79-90AA-0816934310ED (Servicedesk Call)
WhereClause                   :
XObjectKey                    : <Key><T>QERWorkingStep</T><P>416B184C-C168-4E79-90AA-0816934310ED</P></Key>

Thank you,

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