APIServer 9.2 - Delete shopping cart shows message: Delete Shopping Cart x (x = DocumentNumber of the ShoppingCartOrder )

What is the added value of showing the end-user the DocumentNumber of the ShoppingCartOrder entry when deleting there shopping cart?
Requests > Shopping cart
Click on Actions (three dots icon) and select [Delete shopping cart]

Message example:
Delete Shopping Cart 10
Are you sure you want to delete all products in the shopping cart "10"?

D:\Projects\IdentityManager-Imx-Dev\imxweb\projects\qer\src\lib\shopping-cart\shopping-cart.component.ts (line 131)

public async deleteCart(): Promise<void> {
const docNr = this.selectedItshopCart.DocumentNumber.value;

const title = await this.translate.get('#LDS#Heading Delete Shopping Cart {0}')
.pipe(map(text => this.ldsReplace.transform(text, docNr))).toPromise();
const message = await this.translate.get('#LDS#Are you sure you want to delete all products in the shopping cart "{0}"?')

Thank you.