APIServer 9.2 - Delete shopping cart shows message: Delete Shopping Cart x (x = DocumentNumber of the ShoppingCartOrder )

What is the added value of showing the end-user the DocumentNumber of the ShoppingCartOrder entry when deleting there shopping cart?
Requests > Shopping cart
Click on Actions (three dots icon) and select [Delete shopping cart]

Message example:
Delete Shopping Cart 10
Are you sure you want to delete all products in the shopping cart "10"?

D:\Projects\IdentityManager-Imx-Dev\imxweb\projects\qer\src\lib\shopping-cart\shopping-cart.component.ts (line 131)

public async deleteCart(): Promise<void> {
const docNr = this.selectedItshopCart.DocumentNumber.value;

const title = await this.translate.get('#LDS#Heading Delete Shopping Cart {0}')
.pipe(map(text => this.ldsReplace.transform(text, docNr))).toPromise();
const message = await this.translate.get('#LDS#Are you sure you want to delete all products in the shopping cart "{0}"?')

Thank you.

  • Seems to me is plainly informative. The DocumentNumber , according to the field description, is the "Request number using the respective company formatting rule". It might be confusing somehow unless there are company policies that clearly dictate its use (like a reference for later inspections). All in all I'm just guessing a purpose that , in our business case, has no use at all xD 

  • Seems to me is plainly informative. The DocumentNumber , according to the field description, is the "Request number using the respective company formatting rule". It might be confusing somehow unless there are company policies that clearly dictate its use (like a reference for later inspections). All in all I'm just guessing a purpose that , in our business case, has no use at all xD 
