Attestation links in email notifications do not work for Angular WebPortal version

Environment: 1IM 9.1, Angular WebPortal

The links used  in mail notifications for attestations are generated by the scripts in VI_BuildAttestationLinks script, this script uses hardcoded url segments like "/page.axd?ContextID=VI_Attestation", this corresponds to the old web portal url structure, is there any option to make this work for clients using Angular WebPortal ?  


Public Function VI_BuildAttestationLink_Pending( ByVal dbAttestationHelper As ISingleDbObject) As String
    Return String.Format("{0}/page.axd?ContextID=VI_Attestation", _
End Function

  • The API Server Web Portal has a build-in translation mechanism that converts the links for the legacy Web Portal into the new ones.

    To make that work, you just need to configure the BaseURL in the configuration parameter QER\WebPortal\BaseURL to your API Server.

    The BaseURL should be something like https://<yourserver>/ApiServer

  • We are having a case with Attestation decisions, the script generates the following link:


    wich is translated by the build-in translation mechanism to:  


    and we end in a blank page.. 

    If i compare the translated url with the url i get if manually navigating into Attestations\Pending Attestations in portal i can see a difference

    • generated:  https://<server>/ApiServer/html/qer-app-portal/index.html#/attestation/decision
    • manual:      https://<server>/ApiServer/html/qer-app-portal/#/attestation/decision
  • What is the setting of your configuration parameter QER\WebPortal\BaseURL?

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