How can I deploy the modified qem in the production environment (Web customization)?


Thank you for everyone's help last time, but now I've encountered another problem. I finally found the hidden field, and it works in my development environment. After deploying to the production environment, I made an for the software loader to use, but it seems like it didn't deploy successfully. I'm wondering if there's a different way to package the qem?

Thank you,


  • Thank you for your help. I later found the following passage in the documentation, which resolved my confusion!

    Since this code belongs to the “qer” module and this module is “static” – we     

    don’t need to deploy it. But we need to recompile and deploy applications

    and modules which depend on this module.

    In this case it is just a Web Portal application.


    1. Stop debugging.

    Terminate batch jobs: In every open terminal press Ctrl+C, reply Y to question Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

    1. In terminal window run command:
      npm run build:app qer-app-portal

          The result will appear in the \imxweb\dist folder


    1. Open folder \imxweb\dist\qer-app-portal.

          Delete folder \html

          Using 7-Zip, zip content of the folder and give it a name “”


    1. Move zip file to the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ApiServer\bin\imxweb\custom

          Original file can remain in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ApiServer\bin\imxweb folder


    1. Run iisreset


    1. Navigate to the Web Portal running on IIS and see that new column is there.