Mark a ShoppingCartItem as completed when its params have been dealt with


In our use case, we have a QERReuseUS with a mutivalued param in the ItShop , and once this parameter have been handled , the original item should be deleted and the cart filled with as many items as values in the param.


A user can be in several departments/locations and request an Accounting IT application that has different schemas depending of that location. So in itShop there's a product that enables selecting the target location(s) where the product should be granted. Once these locations have been selected, the cart is filled with different items "Account IT app in locationA", "Account IT app in locationB".


We don't have an easy way to find when the ShoppingCartItem has reached a "completed" state. In Angular we could add a "witness" attibute to the record once addItemsToCart() has finished. But no matter what, the Designer scripts Onsaving/Onsaved do not apply and somehow lose their purpose, for the record is created in the table regardless of the params, but the item may be still far from being completed.

Another approach could be creating different pwo's once the cart has been submitted, but still I would like to change the item name in the cart so it reflects that the order will be handled for multiple locations. 

Any ideas?
