Installation - Exception: Illegal characters in path

During initial installation of Identity Manager 9.2 we received following excpetion:

Installation failed!
Copying File Failed for package: 85677cfb-1c9d-4a1b-8dbc-2e9a902fca28 file: content\ destination: C:\Program Files\One Identity\One Identity Manager
Illegal characters in path.

We are trying to install an administrative workstation with the machine role: Workstation and Server  (Only 'Configuration tool'). It works when we uncheck the "Job server" option.

Has anyone encountered similar issue?

Extended exception:
at InstallManager.Pages.PageProgress.RunInstallationAsync()
    at InstallManager.Msi.Installer.RunActions()
Copying File Failed for package: 85677cfb-1c9d-4a1b-8dbc-2e9a902fca28 file: content\ destination: C:\Program Files\One Identity\One Identity Manager
    at InstallManager.Msi.Installer.RunActions()
    at InstallManager.Msi.Installation.CopyInstaller.RunAction()
    at InstallManager.Msi.Installation.CopyInstaller._InstallPackages(FileSystemInfo targetDir, IReadOnlyList`1 installPackages, Boolean isUpdate)
Illegal characters in path.
    at InstallManager.Msi.Installation.CopyInstaller._InstallPackages(FileSystemInfo targetDir, IReadOnlyList`1 installPackages, Boolean isUpdate)
    at InstallManager.Msi.ZipFileExt.ExtractToDirectory(String sourceArchiveFileName, String destinationDirectoryName, Boolean overwriteFiles)
    at InstallManager.Msi.ZipFileExt.ExtractToDirectory(ZipArchive source, String destinationDirectoryName, Boolean overwriteFiles)
    at InstallManager.Msi.ZipFileExt.ExtractRelativeToDirectory(ZipArchiveEntry source, String destinationDirectoryName, Boolean overwrite)
    at System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions.ExtractToFile(ZipArchiveEntry source, String destinationFileName, Boolean overwrite)
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
    at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)

Parents Reply Children
  • Do you mean to clean up the Temp folder or remove the Environment variable all together?

    I've cleared out the temp folder and got the same issue again.

    This persists when installing the documentation and the job server. But the installation can continue without errors when only selecting the Workstation installation.

  • Do as instructed in the article, the temp folder delete is the second option.

    1. Search for 'Advanced System Settings' on the desktop
    2. Click 'Environment Variables'
    3. Review both the System and User Variables for a path location value that may no longer exist or is incorrect. Once found correct, or remove. | OK 
    4. Retry installation
  • If you cannot resolve the issue install the jobserver and documentation on an other computer and just copy the folder over.
    Then register the jobserver service. Or better yet place the job server in a separate dir.

    sc create OneIM91B binPath= "D:\OneIM\JobServers\Instances\OneIM91B\viNetworkService.exe" start= delayed-auto displayname= "One Identity Manager Service (OneIM91B)" 
    sc description OneIM91B "One Identity Manager Service (OneIM91B)"