Version 9.2 -Request property Validation And How to get parametervalues into a process from dialogparameter

Hello All,

I am using version 9.2 1IM,

Que1: I have request property deputyManager.  I need to validate the user input, value should not be the recipient.  How can i do this in validation script or in condition query?

Que2: I have a process which gets triggered with event Order granted. Which is the best way(is there specific syntax?) to get the request properties  values  to my process so that i can use them in jobParameterValue?

            As of now i am loading the collection of  dialogparameters of that request and querying collection to get value. Is there a simple way to do it ?

              Dim colReqProps = Session.Source.GetCollection(Query.Table(Table.DialogParameter).Select(Table.DialogParameter.ParameterName, Table.DialogParameter.ParameterValue).Where(f.FkComparison(Table.DialogParameter.UID_DialogParameterSet, Table.DialogParameterSet, f.UidComparison(Table.DialogParameterSet.ObjectKeyUsedBy, $XObjectKey$)))

  • Hi,

    For question 1, you can use following the query condition on the parameter to exclude the logged on user:

    uid_person <> '%useruid%'

    Regarding question 2: Starting with version 9.2 you can use the script QER_Get_ParameterValue_Of_ParameterSet_Of_PWO for this purpose.

    For example:

    Value = QER_Get_ParameterValue_Of_ParameterSet_Of_PWO ($XObjectKey$, "EndDateTime")
  • Hi,

    For question 1, you can use following the query condition on the parameter to exclude the logged on user:

    uid_person <> '%useruid%'

    Regarding question 2: Starting with version 9.2 you can use the script QER_Get_ParameterValue_Of_ParameterSet_Of_PWO for this purpose.

    For example:

    Value = QER_Get_ParameterValue_Of_ParameterSet_Of_PWO ($XObjectKey$, "EndDateTime")