Change OAuth Authentication Name (HTML 5 Password Reset Portal)

Is it possible to change the display name ("OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect (role-based)") of the OAuth2 authenticator in the HTML5 Password Reset Portal? 

In Designer, when you go to "Authentication Modules" in "Base Data", the display name field for the OAuth module is locked so you are unable to change it.  

  • Hi ,

    You could either:

    • Modify your angular code. The login component in qbm loads an array with every authentication module available for an application. You can replace the displayvalue in the configurationProviders array with you desired label for the oauth methods, or
    • This value is translated in the login.component.html module. In Object Browser, search the DialogMultilanguage table for the entries con OAuth. Select the one with UID_DialogColumn = 'DialogAuthentifier - Caption" and the dialogculture of your current language. Then, replace the EntryValue column with your text. I've tried this and it works.

    There may be other approaches.


  • Thank you JuanCarlos!  I used the second method you mentioned of modifying the DialogMultiLanguage table and it worked.  Appreciate the response!