Question about OIM Data Import Issues

Hello, when importing a CSV file in Data Import tool for person table, is there a way to split the full name field into two separate fields for last name and first name?

  • Hi,

    In my honest opinion, I would recommend a oneway (csv to DB) sync project , it is far more flexible when dealing with transforms and operations , as well as virtual attributes you can define.

    This said, with the Data Importer tool you can add new columns with conversion scripts that use values from other columns in a $<ColumnNumberStartingWith0> notation.


    if the first column in your csv is the Fullname, that will be column $0$

    Then add two more columns in the definition for FirstName and LastName, and use conversion scripts for each one:

    FirstName : Value = Split($0$," ")(0)

    LastName :  Value = Split($0$," ")(1)


    Note: depending on your culture, the order could change. In Spain we have a big problem with those , for instance :) Compound firstnames, two lastnames... 

  • As shown in the figure, because I am dealing with Chinese characters, I used Substring, but it seems that I can't see the data in the Data Preview either.

  • Henry, the data preview won't work when using a script, at least for me. You'll need to finish the wizard and check the results. Use a subset of your data, with a condition or similar first.

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