Lock down reporter in Webportal

Hello, Does anyone have instructions or can lead me on how to lock down reporter? Here are some things we would like to consider doing.

  • Remove the "New Report" button
  • Hide tables to choose for reports
  • Hide columns to select in a table for reports

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you, Lu

Top Replies

  • Hello Lu,

    That's an interesting question.
    I've not done this myself yet. So this is my best guess...

    Remove the "New Report" button
    Customization of the angular portal: Visibility of buttons can be made conditionally with for instance: program functions (Table: QBMFeature)
    There are plenty examples of this in the project: <button mat-menu-item *ngIf="canAnalyzeRisk" (click)="analyzeRisk()"

    Hide tables to choose for reports
    In the Administration Portal create a configuration key of type 'API method configuration'
    for example 'reports_tables' with whereclause: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')

    Administration Portal > Configuration: Web Portal (click on: three dots icon)

    Create configuration key
    Select where to add the configuration key: API method configuration
    Enter the API method name, replacing slashes with underscores, for example "itshop_cart".
    Name of the new configuration key: reports_tables

    Property configuration
    API method configuration / reports_tables / Filter condition
    Specify a filter condition (WHERE clause). To refer to the identifier of the current user, use the %useruid% variable.
    Value: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')
    [Apply] (*) Apply globally [Apply]

    For 9.2 this feature needs a hotfix to work properly:
    Contact support and ask for hotfix #446293

    P.s. I don't know if this filter will impact other functionality!

    Hide columns to select in a table for reports
    I think this will be the difficult part. So again customization of the angular portal in the eara of the CDR editor
    But I think it will be very tedious and overcomplicated to code and maintain this. So maybe better leave it as is.
    Identity Manager | Angular Web Development #15 | IMX Web CDR Framework

    If there are any other takers, please do not hesitate to share your solution ;-)

  • Hello Lu,

    That's an interesting question.
    I've not done this myself yet. So this is my best guess...

    Remove the "New Report" button
    Customization of the angular portal: Visibility of buttons can be made conditionally with for instance: program functions (Table: QBMFeature)
    There are plenty examples of this in the project: <button mat-menu-item *ngIf="canAnalyzeRisk" (click)="analyzeRisk()"

    Hide tables to choose for reports
    In the Administration Portal create a configuration key of type 'API method configuration'
    for example 'reports_tables' with whereclause: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')

    Administration Portal > Configuration: Web Portal (click on: three dots icon)

    Create configuration key
    Select where to add the configuration key: API method configuration
    Enter the API method name, replacing slashes with underscores, for example "itshop_cart".
    Name of the new configuration key: reports_tables

    Property configuration
    API method configuration / reports_tables / Filter condition
    Specify a filter condition (WHERE clause). To refer to the identifier of the current user, use the %useruid% variable.
    Value: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')
    [Apply] (*) Apply globally [Apply]

    For 9.2 this feature needs a hotfix to work properly:
    Contact support and ask for hotfix #446293

    P.s. I don't know if this filter will impact other functionality!

    Hide columns to select in a table for reports
    I think this will be the difficult part. So again customization of the angular portal in the eara of the CDR editor
    But I think it will be very tedious and overcomplicated to code and maintain this. So maybe better leave it as is.
    Identity Manager | Angular Web Development #15 | IMX Web CDR Framework

    If there are any other takers, please do not hesitate to share your solution ;-)
