Lock down reporter in Webportal

Hello, Does anyone have instructions or can lead me on how to lock down reporter? Here are some things we would like to consider doing.

  • Remove the "New Report" button
  • Hide tables to choose for reports
  • Hide columns to select in a table for reports

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you, Lu

Top Replies

  • Hello Lu,

    That's an interesting question.
    I've not done this myself yet. So this is my best guess...

    Remove the "New Report" button
    Customization of the angular portal: Visibility of buttons can be made conditionally with for instance: program functions (Table: QBMFeature)
    There are plenty examples of this in the project: <button mat-menu-item *ngIf="canAnalyzeRisk" (click)="analyzeRisk()"

    Hide tables to choose for reports
    In the Administration Portal create a configuration key of type 'API method configuration'
    for example 'reports_tables' with whereclause: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')

    Administration Portal > Configuration: Web Portal (click on: three dots icon)

    Create configuration key
    Select where to add the configuration key: API method configuration
    Enter the API method name, replacing slashes with underscores, for example "itshop_cart".
    Name of the new configuration key: reports_tables

    Property configuration
    API method configuration / reports_tables / Filter condition
    Specify a filter condition (WHERE clause). To refer to the identifier of the current user, use the %useruid% variable.
    Value: TableName IN ('Person', 'UNSAccount')
    [Apply] (*) Apply globally [Apply]

    For 9.2 this feature needs a hotfix to work properly:
    Contact support and ask for hotfix #446293

    P.s. I don't know if this filter will impact other functionality!

    Hide columns to select in a table for reports
    I think this will be the difficult part. So again customization of the angular portal in the eara of the CDR editor
    But I think it will be very tedious and overcomplicated to code and maintain this. So maybe better leave it as is.
    Identity Manager | Angular Web Development #15 | IMX Web CDR Framework

    If there are any other takers, please do not hesitate to share your solution ;-)

  • Good choices. As  points out, beware the api method option. I had to rollback some modifications on my dev server because of that Sweat smile

    If you finally decide to lock the whole functionality down, consider an unload of the rps plugin:

    <webroot>/Apiserver/bin/imxweb/Html_rps/ , either rename or modify the imx-plugin-config.json file

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