v92 : GAP (Google accounts) API typedclient missing in web portal source code ?


Following a recent thread on the rbm API now it's the turn for the GAP namespace. The APIserver has support for Google accounts, group and licensing management , but no typedclient or API source whatsoever is to be found in the html5 code local or recent github's . At first I thought I could handle basic account management using UNSAccount but I've realized that is not possible. Plus, I'm missing the SKU and groups part.  

AAD, on the other hand, is fully supported.

Any ideas?

  • Hello,

    The reason you don't see a GAP API client is that we don't need one for the OOB functionality of the porta.

    (We do support GAP objects in the Data Explorer. For those we build the URLs dynamically at runtime, using the table/column names, which enables us to be generic.)

    However, you can easily create an client for the GAP API module by running

    imxclient compile-api /clientmodules GAP

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi, again,

    I'm getting an error with the compile-api option of imxclient, using viadmin to logon:

    "Warn: Command compile-api failed with exception.VI.Base.ViException: Error saving DialogAEDS GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic'. ---> VI.Base.ViException: You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments."

    --- Error report ---
    You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments.
    --- end ---

    Failure: Command compile-api failed with exception.

    , error appears when the compilation tries to add the endpoint:

    Info: Copying API file from C:\Users\juancar_adm\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\ImxClient\01BE10F4-4216-4A20-8752-364CD060A09B\imx\imx-api\dist\imx-api.tgz to c:\temp\imx-api-gap.tgz
    Info: Endpoint GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup added.
    Warn: Command compile-api failed with exception.VI.Base.ViException: Error saving DialogAEDS GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic'. ---> VI.Base.ViException: You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments.

    , although the .tgz file is created. 

  • Hi, again,

    I'm getting an error with the compile-api option of imxclient, using viadmin to logon:

    "Warn: Command compile-api failed with exception.VI.Base.ViException: Error saving DialogAEDS GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic'. ---> VI.Base.ViException: You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments."

    --- Error report ---
    You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments.
    --- end ---

    Failure: Command compile-api failed with exception.

    , error appears when the compilation tries to add the endpoint:

    Info: Copying API file from C:\Users\juancar_adm\AppData\Local\One Identity\One Identity Manager\ImxClient\01BE10F4-4216-4A20-8752-364CD060A09B\imx\imx-api\dist\imx-api.tgz to c:\temp\imx-api-gap.tgz
    Info: Endpoint GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup added.
    Warn: Command compile-api failed with exception.VI.Base.ViException: Error saving DialogAEDS GET portal/targetsystem/gapgroup ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error running 'OnSaving' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.ModuleDependentLogic'. ---> VI.Base.ViException: You are not allowed to create default objects or assignments.

    , although the .tgz file is created. 

  • Hi juancarlos, hi Hanno,

    thank you for this discussion - it helps me with my struggle I had the other day with imxclient.

    As juancarlos pointed out 'imxclient compile-api /clientmodules MOD' creates the client API despite the fact that the execution throws an error at the end.

    The error occurs obviously while imxclient is attempting to modify objects of type 'EP' (API Endpoint) in DialogAEDS. My follow-up question is: what is the purpose of these? Are they really needed as of 9.2 or these are some kind of legacy?

    EDIT: I just for fun ran 'imxclient compile-api /clientmodules AAD' and was naively thinking, that the resulting client API would be the same one can find at GitHub (v92). A comparison between those files (e.g. TypedClient.d.ts) showed that these are completely different though. Am I missing something?


  • Hi,

    As you have observed, you can safely ignore the error at the end.

    You can add a parameter which redirects the endpoint list into a file instead.

    imxclient compile-api /clientmodules GAP /endpointdef .\dummy.txt

    "EP" objects in DialogAEDS represent API endpoints (hence the "EP" acronym). The sole purpose of these objects is so that you can assign them to permissions groups. That is another way to restrict access to these endpoints. imxclient compile-api updates these endpoints in the database as part of the API compilation.

  • Great,  Hanno, yes. It worked, I've already incorporated the library into the code. 
