Task order in Database Transporter

I would like to import synchronization project but before that I have to run SQL statements. I've created transport with Run SQL statement before data import and Transport synchronization projects but during test I found that sql statement which should be executed at the beginning are not. First is imported sync project and after that SQL statements are executed.

I'm using OneIM 9.1.1

My question: is it correct behavior?


Parents Reply
  • OK, finally I got it and found where exactly is the problem.

    Will create support ticket and some explanation for others.

    When creating transport from template file from GUI Transporter order of the tasks (SQL, Sync, Object) is correct - checked in Transport.xml inside of zip file.

    But transport created from template file from DBTransporterCmd.exe has wrong order - checked in Transport.xml inside of zip file.

    And thus during import - tasks are processed in the order how they are in the Transport.xml inside of zip transport file.

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