Target System Browser doesn't show any user account - only OU's

Dear community,

may i ask you for support please?
I created a new "Sync Project" to establish a connection to our UNIX system, using a LDAP connector.

In the Target System Configuration I’m able to connect to our unix system.
I can browse in the directory, I can even see all “organizationalUnits”. But I can’t see any users.

Fun fact:
Going back to the "Target System Configuration". Right hand side, in the “Scope” section I can select “Edit Scope”.
In the right window then, I can see all the OU’s in a tree structure. Here I can go down to the users OU, open it and all user accounts are shown up there. Here i can see all user accounts.

The question now is:
Why I can’t see any user accounts in the "Target System Browser"? But all accounts are shown in the "Target System Configuration" + Scope section?

Does anybody have an idea?

Thanks and kind regards

  • Hi Nico,

    I have found that if the objects do not have 'TOP' in the ObjectClass path then they will not be seen by the OI system.

    A lot of LDAP implementations are quite relaxed and for some reason don't insist on 'TOP'.

    At one of my customers they were missing TOP from some of their structural object classes.  It was a simple fix ..... that wasn't breaking ..... to add TOP ..... and then everything started to work.

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi Barry,

    thanks for your reply.
    Yes, we can confirm that a missing object class on the accounts in the root cause. We tested the behavior with a test user.
    The problem is that we do not want to adapt all of our unix accounts only to get them displayed in OneIdentity.


  • Hi Nico,

    I advised my customer of the issue and they made the change so I'm not certain what they actually did but I'm fairly certain they didn't need to change every object ...... they just changed the schema file to add TOP to the definition of the ObjectClass.  From what I recall this is then picked up the lower level objects.

    Regards, Barry.

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