qer-app-portal 9.0 for AD manual input to auth


My qer-app-portal AD can't authentication.I can't get it set up.

When doing AD manual input, it fails to authenticate and gives an error. I have also set the domain in TargetSystem > ADS > AuthenticationDomains. Here is the error message:

2024-04-20 11:21:05.1571 ERROR (WebLog): An error occurred while processing the request: POST idm-web/.../portal System.Exception: An error occurred while processing the request: POST idm-web/.../portal ---> VI.Base.ViException: Failed to authenticate user. ---> VI.Base.ViException: You are not authorized to use this database. at VI.DB.Auth.AdsAccountHelper.GetUserIdentity(String domains, String user, SecureString pwd) at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModRoleBasedADSAccountBase.GetPersonDataAsync(IDbSession dbSession, IResolve services, IAuthProps props, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at VI.DB.Auth.AuthModRoleBasedBase.<AuthenticateAsync>d__1.MoveNext()

Thank you,


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