Authoritative source for Active Directory samaccountname (marriage changing of surname)

What is the good practise regarding the updating of user accounts in the scenario of where the person gets married?

*disclaimer* I am currently pre-implmentation certified (all theory no practise), so I have done the courses and certifications but have yet to be implementation certified. This project will hopefully do it Slight smile

We've been advised that 1IM should not do the update as it could cause issues around authentication.

In the current unnamed deployed IAM solution, the creation of the AD account and in particular the logon name, is calculated by:

Surname + 1st Letter of GivenName with duplication detection built in.

GivenName is determined by HR, where PrefferedName (nickname or middlename) is different to the Firstname and takes precedence over FirstName.

e.g. Elizabeth prefers to be called Liz, therefore samaccount name would be SmithL instead of SmithE. Email address becomes

However, after an account has been created, the AD important attribute values for samaccountname, UPN and email address revert to AD updating the Identity Management system.

When Liz Smith becomes married or divorced, the name changes to, samaccountname will need to change to RobertsL and UPN

What is a good work process for this? The current proposal is that the AD/Azure team does the update and have AD update the 1IM user's Identity to propagate through to the connected systems?