AD group membership not applying in actual AD

We have created a dynamic role assignment and assign a certain AD group to it.

The AD group appears in OIM to be added to the user, however it was not reflecting/applying to actual AD.

No frozen jobs found in job queue. We are using version 9.0 LTS.

Also, group can be inherited is enabled.

Is there a way to debug this?

  • Hi Kristine,

    A few things to check;

    -Do you see an entry in the table 'ADSAccountInADSGroup' for the assignment? This is the table that (normally) would trigger the provisioning process... So if there is no entry there that's the first thing to tackle.

    -If there is an entry, is it 'InEffect'? Group inheritance can be disabled due to multiple things (Security risk, identity being disabled etc).

    -Assuming it is in the table and is InEffect, do some other group provisioning work or is there no functioning group inheritance?

  • Yes, there is entry in the table ADSAccountinADSGroup for this group assignment and the Xineffect is enabled. 

    I am seeing that the group has been assigned in OIM but it was not reflecting/ applying in actual AD.

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