Data Importer and SearchAndCreate Skript from ADS are running for hours without progress

Hi all,

the scenario is the following.

OIM Version 9.2 Standard Edition

Development Stage and Production Stage sharing the same SQL Server. (i think its important for the last solution)

I am have an big issue with the Data Importer and SearchAndCreate Post Process.

We setup a production database and started to transport all the development stuff via database transport.

After checking all transported data i started the first ADS Synchronization with Paramter "Search" to connect all adsaccount to their matching person.

Until now all worked fine.

Then i saw that there are still 100 accounts left. I decided to switch to SearchAndCreate. And here starts my problem.

The process is running for hours without logging into the local logfile and never runs into frozen state. My first thougth was that the adsaccounts are already created and he cant create a person for an already created adsaccount.

So i deleted them from the database and started the sync again, but with the same result. The accounts are imported, but the following post process to create a person and link them doesnt work.

After this i created a CSV based on the ADSAccount data and want to start a data import. Here ist the same issue, it stay for hours on "importing data from file".

The last possible solution for me was to import the missing persons first into our development stage and transport them via database transport. But with the same issue. (read the start where i explain the stage and sql situation)

The Database Team cant find any issue on the database, but i think didnt spent a lot of time for checking the sql server. All other processes are working fine, the webfrontend and OIM Tools like Manager, Designer.

Every system in this OIM Infrastrctures was rebooted. But the Issue still persist.

In all my years i have never seen this behavior.

Maybe some people here can help me otherwise i start a support ticket.

best regards
