Logging on with OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect to the 1IM Tools (Manager, Designer etc.)

We have configured OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect to log on with an identity to the 1IM Tools. The issue is once logged on we never have to log on again?

This user can then open Manager, designer etc. every time even after exiting with out passing on any password, MFA.

Our expectation is for example when you exit Manager, the next time you want to open Manager you should need to authenticate towards azure with your Microsoft mail address but you never have to.

Some configurations that we have are:

The Employee that is used to log on has the microsoft mail address configured on Default email address.

Under system user we have set Viadmin for the Employee.

Further more the Identity provider Redirect uri is set as https://win-XXXXXX.kilincdomain.com/. This is also the same on the Azure side.

Please advise on how to proceed. If any additional info is needed we can provide asap.

Thank you in advance