Request Property field issue


I am having an issue with the request property:

The request is from the personwantsorg table, and I want to calculate the dynamic fields in the parameter query using "%", for example, UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'.

This works fine, but when I try to use another parameter from personwantsorg, it doesn't work.

I need the app name, for example, nameApp = '%DisplayOrgParent%'.

It's not a permission issue because if I use a static query, the apps are displayed correctly (for example, if I enter nameApp='TST').

Could you help me with this?

Thank you,

  • You can eliminate the parameter "Application" if you change the Condition of your parameter Company to the following (At least If I understood your use-case correctly,)

    CCC_App = (Select CustomProperty01 from ESET Where XObjectKey = '%ObjectKeyOrdered%')

  • Yess, that's exactly what I was looking for!!
    Thank you so much Markus!

    Last question maybe you can help me:
    now I have only 1 parameter:

    1) Parameter 1: List of companies displayed based on the application of the request
    - ParameterName="Company"
    - ParameterType="User prompt"
    - Data Source= "Table"
    - Table column= "CCC_APP_SOC - CCC_App"
    - Condition= "CCC_App = (Select CustomProperty01 from ESET Where XObjectKey = '%ObjectKeyOrdered%')"
    - Display pattern = "%CCC_Company%"

    On the portal side, this happens:
    - CURRENT condition: In the shopping cart, the user can choose a list of companies based on the app of the request. The CCC_Company (the display pattern) is shown (for example 1,2,34,94)
    - DESIRED Condition: In the shopping cart, the user can choose a list of companies based on the app of the request. Not only the CCC_Company is shown but also the name of the company (so it should be like a foreign key to FirmPartner and check that the Ident_FirmPartner = CCC_Company).

    Is that possible?

    Thank you,
