Product visibility based on the role assigned to user

Hello All,

We are using One Identity Manager 9.2 version and use new Angular Web Portal.

We are looking for the options to restrict the visibility of the certain products based on the specific roles assigned to identity. To explain in detail, below is one of the example requirement:

Service Catalog - App1

Servcie item - SItemNormal, SitemSenstive

Identity Roles - App1SentiveRole

Identity - John Smith, Contoso

Visibility Requirements:

Based on the App1SentiveRole, user who are members of this role can see the other role - SitemSenstive

Those members users should be able to request the SitemSenstive role for other identities which are not part of this role.

Please let us know your inputs.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks markus for the information.

    I see this filter configuration can help to hide the products for group of users but we have multiple products which are required to be hidden based on the role assigned to users.

    For example:

    Service Catalog - App1

    Servcie item - SItemNormal, SitemSenstive

    Identity Roles - App1SentiveRole

    Service Catalog - App2

    Servcie item - SItemNormal2, SitemSenstive2

    Identity Roles - App2SentiveRole

    Now the end user can be part of the any of the identity roles to request the access the roles for other users who are even not part of this identity roles.
