Dynamic role condition

Dear Sirs

I try to put the following to the Dynamic role condition for just simple testing, however i have gotten the error 

Person.UID_Person in (select UID_Person from ADSAccount) 

The SQL statement in the field 'Condition' is not correct.

May i know what should i do next and are there any samples i can refer to ?


  • Hi Gary,

    To be clear, did you put in the exact statement above? Because generally you select the table the dynamic role is applying on in the 'selection boxes' and then only enter the 'where' part of the query.

    Also you'll want to specify what table the uid_person in your sub condition is being drawn from (THe ads account).

    So try,

    UID_Person in (select a.uid_person from ADSAccount a)

  • Hi Gary,

    To be clear, did you put in the exact statement above? Because generally you select the table the dynamic role is applying on in the 'selection boxes' and then only enter the 'where' part of the query.

    Also you'll want to specify what table the uid_person in your sub condition is being drawn from (THe ads account).

    So try,

    UID_Person in (select a.uid_person from ADSAccount a)

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