Issue with script executing Oracle stored procedures


we have upgraded the OneIM from version to 9.2 - so there is no more Devart components. So I have replaced the logic using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client (as suggested in the script samples in the installation folder), but when I try to run the script I get  "Oracle is not supported anymore" error. Version of the Oracle database is 19c. Any suggestions?

References Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
Imports Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client

Public Sub CCC_ProcedureCall(ByVal myQuery As String)

		Dim connectionString As String = Session.Config.GetConfigParm("Custom\Oracle\Account\ConnectionStringUAT")
		Dim dbFac As IDbFactory = DbApp.GetFactoryByName("VI.DB.Oracle.ViOracleFactory,VI.DB.Oracle")

		Using sf = DbApp.ConnectTo(connectionString).Using(dbFac).BuildSessionFactory()
			Using dbSession = sf.OpenDbSession()
			End Using
		End Using
	Catch ex As Exception
		' Handle Exceptions
		Throw New Exception(ex.Message())
	End Try
End Sub

Best Regards,
