Additional installation of modules for LTS version

We use version 9.0 LTS CU2
Now further applications are to be introduced in our company, which will make it necessary to install additional modules in the One Identity
Manager, such as AAD.
Following the KB article (,
we wanted to install modules on a test basis - but we asked ourselves questions like.
- The source is based on version 9.0 LTS - module version and is therefore older than the existing modules (
- the CU installation includes the "Install CU.exe" - a selection of modules cannot be found here.

We were also unsettled by the warning message that we encountered during our first attempts

When adding modules after initial installation, all other modules in the database are also processed. This overrides previously corrected errors.
These fixes must be imported again after the module has been installed.

How should we proceed in order to be able to install further modules in our environments?

Many thanks for any tips or recommendations regarding the procedure to follow