System.Net.Http version problem

Hi all, Community


I’m facing a strange situation about two versions of System.Net.Http.

Let me please explain the problem. For a Safeguard integration project I downloaded the NuGet OneIdentity.SafeguardDotNet. I also got the interface to the OpenApi directly from the Json file from the /service/core/swagger/index.html.

I put all together and I was able to everything I wanted do, BUT only from the Visual Studio! When I deployed the script in the OneIdentity, during the compilation, I got the following errors:

“The project currently contains references to more than one version of 'System.Net.Http', a direct reference to version and an indirect reference to version Change the direct reference to use version (or higher) of System.Net.Http”

This is so frustrating as I cannot understand what I need to do in order to solve this problem.

Please, someone can help me as soon as possible?


Thank you in advance
