AD Group Assignment via Location Not Triggering Expected Process for Home Server Assignment

We have a customer that assigns Home Servers from AD Group Membership. To accomplish this, we created a custom Process in the ADSAccountInADSGroup table with an 'Insert' event when an identity is assigned to one of the 10 specified groups. The last step in this process calls the custom event of a second process in the ADSAccount table to provision the Home Drive in the specified server location that correlates with the AD Group. This has been working when employees are directly assigned to the group in 1IM or the Target System and when the group is assigned by a dynamic role.

However, the customer wanted to assign one of the groups to the Primary Location and disseminate Home Server assignment that way. For some reason, assigning the group through location is now triggering the OOB 'ADS_ADSGroup_Update' process (Event = Update) instead of the custom process in the ADSAccountInADSGroup table as expected.

We do have the ability to trigger this process manually in Object Browser from the 'ADSAccountInADSGroup' table once the identity has been assigned to the required group but this is not optimal and "should" be done through automation.

Is this expected behavior in V9.1 or is this some kind of bug/defect?

It's also worth noting that the Home Server assignment/provisioning IS working for some of the groups (which are not assigned through the Primary Location). These other groups are assigned by dynamic roles in most cases and also have a Parent AD Group assigned. The groups we're having issue with are not assigned by dynamic roles and are not assigned the same Parent AD Group. Not sure if the Parent AD Group matters but it's a strange coincidence.

Any guidance or clarification would be much appreciated.