How to send second reminder emails to the approves for attestation?

Hi everyone,

I am using version 9.2.1. and have been using the approval procedure CM - Manager of attested identity for attestations.

How do I enter multiple attestation reminders (e.g. one after 1 week and a second after 3 weeks)?

In the workflow in the approval level there is an option to enter after how long to send ONE reminder, how do I add another one?


  • Thank you for your reply Niels.
    Yes I checked the documentation but it is not clear how to proceed.
    Sending a regular reminder is easy, but my need is to send it not at regular intervals. Let me explain further:
    my attestation for example has a duration of 30 days
    - first reminder when it is 7 days before the deadline
    - second reminder when there is 1 day left until the deadline

  • Maybe you can create 2 daily process plans that fire the event REMIND@AttestationHelper
    this will start the proces: VI_Attestation_AttestationHelper send mail to remind approver
    (Sends an email per attestation case to remind approvers that that there are pending attestation cases)

    Example conditions one for each proces plan.

    -- 1 day left until the deadline
    UID_AttestationCase IN (
    		SELECT UID_AttestationCase
    		FROM AttestationCase
    		WHERE ToSolveTill >= CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
    			AND ToSolveTill < DATEADD(day, 1, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE))
    			AND IsClosed = 0
    -- 7 days before the deadline
    UID_AttestationCase IN (
    		SELECT UID_AttestationCase
    		FROM AttestationCase
    		WHERE ToSolveTill >= DATEADD(day, 7, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE))
    			AND ToSolveTill < DATEADD(day, 8, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE))
    			AND IsClosed = 0

    P.s. this is just an idea not a working solution, haven't tried it out!

  • Thank you very much for the suggestion and I will proceed in this way that seems to me the most immediate way

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