Oracle Fusion Cloud Integration using Starling Connect

We are trying to Integrate Oracle Fusion Cloud with One Identity Manager V9.0 LTS using Starling Connect. We are able to achieve the integration between Fusion Cloud and Starling Connect. Also able to achieve the collection to starling connect endpoint using SCIM.

The Sync, Provisioning of Employees and Users are working as expected. But when we try to add a user to a Role, the provisioning is not working as expected. Testing of Provisioning in Rule Mapping (Members - Members) is working, but not in simulation. 

When checked in Oracle Fusion Cloud API Documentation, the Addition/Removal of Users to a Role is done using 'PATCH' Method. Ref: REST API for Common Features in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications - Update a role

However, the Operation supported in starling connect is PUT. Starling Connect Hosted - One Identity Manager Administration Guide

Is this causing the provisioning issue or Am I missing something!